William Cartwright BA (Hons) DipTRP MRTPI
William’s knowledge and understanding of planning law, policy and procedure is first-
Prior to establishing HPD in 2011, William was employed by Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Here he held positions in the Planning Policy and Development Control Teams, before joining the specialist Design and Conservation Team. During this time, key work areas included: advising on the application of planning policy to major developments; acting as lead Planning Officer for numerous planning applications; drafting a Householder Supplementary Planning Document; reviewing and writing several conservation area assessments; and, providing expert advice relating to the alteration and extension of listed buildings.
A graduate from the University of Sheffield, the UK’s top planning school, William achieved a BA (Hons) in Urban Studies and Planning, followed by a Postgraduate Diploma in Town and Regional Planning. He is a Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and is committed to his professional development and competence.
William prides himself on helping his clients realise their aspirations and has developed strong working relationships with many local planning authorities. He is also a confident communicator when presenting proposals to Planning Committees, Planning Officers and the General Public.
To ensure clients receive the appropriate level of expertise, William works with a wide range of Associates. These include: architects, engineers, surveyors, tree consultants, archaeologists, lawyers and tradesmen.